Adult education in Sweden is extensive and has a long tradition. It exists in many different forms and is organized by many different operators. The public school system for adults includes municipal adult education (Komvux), education for adults with learning disabilities (Särvux) and Swedish for immigrants (SFI). Municipal adult education (Komvux) includes both basic and upper secondary education, as well as continuing education programmes. Basic education for adults corresponds to the regular 9-year compulsory school course. The aim of these studies is to give adult students the basic skills necessary to live and work in the community, and to prepare them for further study. Participants may choose the rate of study themselves, enabling them to combine studies with work or practical work experience.
Continuing education is a form of education in its own right and may either provide continued education in a occupation, or lead to a completely new one. Most programmes are 6 months to a year long, and specialize in areas such as economics, computer processing or tourism.
Advanced vocational programmes are run by municipalities, training companies and post-secondary institutions in cooperation with the workplace and are designed to lead to employment. The programme is an alternative to other post-secondary education and falls under national jurisdiction with respect to supervision. One third of the training period, which can vary from one to three years, is carried out in the actual workplace.
Municipalities have an obligation to offer the Swedish For Immigrants programme to newly arrived adult immigrants to help them integrate into Swedish society. Programmes may be organized differently from municipality to municipality.
Adult colleges (folk high schools) and education associations offer courses and cultural activities for all groups of society and cover a variety of subjects:
Most universities and post-secondary institutions in Sweden are state run and offer an array of further education courses for adults. Here is a comprehensive list of institutions:
The Grundtvig programme of the European Commission takes its name from the nineteenth century Danish philosopher, theologian, teacher, historian and poet Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig, who is regarded as the founding father the Folk High School and was a staunch supporter of adult education. The focus of the programme is on all forms of non-vocational adult and continuing education. It is targeted at learners, teachers, trainers and other staff at adult education/educational institutions and relevant organisations:
Studiefrämjandet - The Study Promotion Association - is one of the largest study associations for adult education in Sweden.
Update 15/05/2008
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