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How to find a General Practitioner, doctor, physician

The Healthcare System in Sri Lanka

An effective, universally applicable, and low-cost healthcare system has been put in place by the Sri Lankan government for its citizens. Its USP is its prompt public delivery which gives curative and preventive therapy for all. The Ministry of Health runs the healthcare system.

General Practitioner/Doctor

In case of minor ailments and illnesses, medications over the counter are available and self-treatment is often enough. However, it would be prudent to check the expiry date on all medicines before purchasing it.

In case the illness is of a severe nature, like malaria, it is advisable to seek professional medical help. Major operations and emergencies are treated in Colombo.

Private clinics and hospitals like Colombo's Nawalok Hospital are better equipped to deal with expats as the doctors speak English. Most embassies and consulates also give references of medical practitioners suitable for foreign residents of Sri Lanka.

How to Find a DOCTOR?

The easiest way to locate a doctor is by consulting the listings below:

As always, it is helpful to get personal recommendations for contacts in Sri Lanka. Embassies and consulates also give references of medical practitioners suitable for foreign residents of Sri Lanka.

One must get an appointment to meet the doctor for a consultation. Prior registration is not required with private practitioners.

If you need to ask about what kind of medical help you need, you can ask online at:

Dentists in Colombo

Dental care is generally good in Sri Lanka. It has even become a destination for dental tourism.

To find a dentist you can look up the following listings:


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