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Gas, Electricity, Water

Gas Services

Natural gas can be used for domestic central heating, cooking, real flame fires or tumble-drying. In addition, natural gas has a range of applications for business customers. It is piped underground and connected to properties so there is no need to store it.

The Supervisory Body for Investment in Energy and Mining (OSINERGMIN) is a public institution attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Perú. It is in charge of supervising that the electric, fuel and general mining companies of Perú follow the legal norms of their activities.
In addition, they also establish the electricity and transportation of natural gas rates and the users claims from both electricity and natural gas services.

For further information visit:

Osinergmin - Gas Natural
Address: Bernardo Monteagudo 222 - Magdalena del Mar, Lima - Perú
Email: contactogfgn@osinergmin.gob.pe
Homepage: http://gasnatural.osinerg.gob.pe/inicio_empresas_sector.html
Tel: 219-3410
Fax: 264-5597


You must request natural gas service with the concession companies, which depend on the region where you are located:

In July 2018, Proinversión relaunched a project to adjudicate the financial, construction, operation and maintenance concession of natural gas distribution systems by pipeline network to seven more departments of central Perú: Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Junín, Cusco, Puno and Ucayali. The project requires an investment of US $ 400 million.

Electricity Services

The National Electricity Office (DGE - Dirección General de la Electricidad), under the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), is in charge of setting electricity policies and regulations, as well as, granting concessions. It is also responsible for elaborating generation and transmission expansion plans and to approve the relevant procedures for the operation of the electricity system.

The Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory Body (OSINERGMIN - Organismo Supervisor de Inversión en Energía y Miniería) also plays an important role by enforcing compliance with the Electricity Concessions Law (LCE) of 1992 and ensuring the electricity public service. OSINERG is as well the body responsible for enforcing the fiscal obligations of the license holders as established by law. Finally, it is responsible for monitoring compliance of the System Economic Operation Committees (COES) functions and for determining biannually the percentages of market participation by the companies.

In Perú the power plugs and sockets are of type A and C. The standard voltage is 220 V and the standard frequency is 60 Hz.

You can use your electric appliances if the standard voltage in your country is in between 220 - 240 V (as is in the UK, Europe, Australia and most of Asia and Africa). Manufacturers take these small deviations into account. If the standard voltage in your country is in the range of 100 V - 127 V (as is in the US, Canada and most South American countries), you need a voltage converter in Perú. You can also consider a combined power plug adapter/voltage converter.


Almost 40 companies provide electricity for the market, while 78 companies produced electricity for their own use. Among the companies supplying energy to the market, five of them accounted for 70% of the total capacity:

Water Services

Public water mains are administered and maintained by the Superintendencia Nacional de Servicios de Saneamiento (SUNASS). Nowadays, it is a decentralized public body, yet attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with public legal status and administrative, functional, technical, economic and financial autonomy. Its function is to regulate, supervise and audit the provision of sanitation services, impartially and objectively protecting the interests of the State, investors and the user.


Around 50 companies provide water services in the urban area nationwide.
At present, 18.6 million inhabitants live in the area of the 50 EPS (Empresas Prestadoras del Servicio de Saneamiento), which is basically urban; of which 16.5 million have drinking water service and 14.9 million have a sewer connection.

Among the 50 main companies supplying water, the most popular ones among Lima's area are:


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