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Tourism and Sightseeing

Tourist Resources in Maputo

The Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) manages tourism in Mozambique. Their website provides a good overview of tourism in the country. They do not have a local office in Maputo that caters to tourists.

Sightseeing in Maputo

In the 1960s and 70s, Maputo was often-regarded as one of Africa's most cosmopolitan and artistic cities. In the post-war era, the city is slowly rebuilding itself to its former glory - and this period of reconstruction makes the capital all the more interesting to explore.

Tours in Mozambique

A number of South African and Mozambican companies operate tours in and around Maputo. Most offer tours and services in English, which is especially helpful for those who are new to the city and do not speak any Portuguese. Some of the most popular operators include:

There are also a number of international operators that organize country-wide tours for groups and individuals.

Festivals in Maputo

Mozambique's festivals are a jumble of historical celebrations and modern cultural shows.  Some of the most popular festivals among the expatriate and South African communities include:


Discounts are not often extended to expatriates in Mozambique. Usually, pricing will be divided into national and foreigner rates, with occasional discounts for students.


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