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 Practical Life

Childcare, Babysitting

The best way to find childcare is through an agency.

Asso Nido (www.AssoNido.com) is a daycare center for babies aged 6 months to 3 years. Open from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Friday. 6 Via Richelmy, 00165. Tel. 06 39388396.

Baby Bear Household Services is a company providing au-pairs, babysitters and other house-related services: www.BabyBear.it, Tel: 06 55283342 / 347 7342931 / 340 8080506

Pongo e Peggy is a company which provides evening baby-sitters. Italian speaking sitters only: 91 Via Mar della Cina, 00144. Tel: 06 5201485

Simply Angelic Nannies is a UK-based nanny agency providing qualified and experienced English-speaking nannies, tutors and governesses to families in Rome: www.SimplyAngelic.co.uk, 88 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6AA. Tel: +44 207 681 6490.

Visit our Source for more listings: AngloInfo.com


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