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Tel Aviv

 Public Services

Emergency services

Make a note of the following numbers:

As we are all aware there is renewed violence and tension in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the threat of terrorism and civil unrest is a way of life in this part of the world. However the strong security presence and the vigilance of the local population means that you’re highly unlikely to experience any dangerous situations as long as you follow your own common sense and listen to advice about where and where not to go. Many will advise you not to go the old city of Jerusalem as a foreigner: a lot of tourists go there however, rightly thinking that the experience is worth taking the risk.

The sight of armed soldiers everywhere in Israel is normal and you will quickly become accustomed to them. There are bomb shelters throughout the country and large houses often have them in the basement. The public shelters are frequently used for holding parties or discos. Unlike in Europe there are stiff penalties for possession and use of soft drugs in Israel, so never be tempted to buy drugs on the street – in fact plain-clothed police officers often pose as drug dealers by way of a trap. Crime is relatively low in Israel.

You may want to consider registering at your national embassy or consulate upon arrival in Israel as an added precaution.


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