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Tax system

The National Revenue Agency monitors the tax situation in Bulgaria. Taxes in Bulgaria are collected at both a state and local level. The most important taxes collected are federal and include income tax, social security, corporate taxes, and value added tax.

Bulgaria's tax contribution system:

The Bulgarian tax systems imposes that individuals pay direct taxes (income, corporate), indirect (Value-added tax), and local taxes and fees. Bulgarian state taxes are administered by the National Revenue Agency.

Taxpayers with Bulgarian residence are obliged to pay taxes for their income from both Bulgaria and abroad.

Reporting Taxes in Bulgaria

The tax year in Bulgaria is March 31. Tax forms should be submitted to the National Revenue Agency.

An individual pays tax on their income as a wage earner or as a self-employed person. An employer is obligated to deduct on a monthly basis the tax payable on an employee's salary. A self-employed person must prepay income tax that will be offset by filing an annual return.

VAT in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria there is a 20% flat rate of VAT tax. Foreign visitors are entitled to a refund. VAT returns must furthermore be submitted where there is no payable or refundable tax. The returns must be submitted on or before the 14th day of the month following the tax period to which the returns refer.


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