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 Moving in

Landline phone

Dialing in Bulgaria

To Call Internationally from Bulgaria

To call abroad from Bulgaria, dial 00 + country code (that you are calling) + area code + number

To Call Bulgaria Internationally

To call Bulgaria, dial exit country code + 359 (Bulgarian country code) + area code + number
Area codes for Bulgaria's largest towns:

For full list of Bulgaria's area codes visit the Country Code website.

Calling within Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, area codes are prefixed with “0” when calling within the country. Each number in Bulgaria has a total of 7 numbers. Simply enter the area code or “0” and follow with the 7 digit number when calling.

Phone Providers in Bulgaria

The main landline providers for both businesses and households is the Bulgarian Telecommunications Company or better known as Vivatel BTC.
Other landline companies include:

Phone Instillation in Bulgaria

Most properties have a telephone line, but when you move in you will have to have the line connected. In order to have a line connected you must visit the post office with evidence that you are an owner or tenant of the property, proof of identify, and a residence permit. It can take up to a month to have the line connected and there is a connection fee of 20 BNG that should be paid within 30 days of connection. Billing is monthly and can be made by direct deposit, online or at the post office.

Public Phones in Sofia

Over the past decade the use of public phone booths have fallen, especially since most people use their mobile phones or a business landline when needed. Airports still operate pay phones for use.

Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards or “SIM cards” are popular and provide a simple way for calling within Bulgaria and internationally, sending SMS, and using mobile internet. Prepaid cards can be bought in most telephone provider stores and kiosks, as well as post offices and gas stations.

The most popular prepaid cards in Bulgaria are:

Skype, Google, and other ways to connect

There is an increasing amount of good quality online and mobile services that provide opportunities for calling and sending messages free of charge. This includes Skype, Google, Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook, and FaceTime.  For more information take a look at our article Expats Connect: Skype and Other Services.


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