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Rio de Janeiro

 At Work

Unemployment Benefits

The unemployment rate in Brazil is around 7.4 percent. Brazil has a very high population which is a major cause of its unemployment.

Social security contributions are paid directly by the employer or by an individual to the Guarantee Fund for Severance Pay (FGTS). The amount contributed will determine the amount the person will receive and for how long. Claims must be made from between 7 to 120 days from the start of unemployment.

Unemployment is managed by the Worker Assistance Fund Advisory Council of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego).
To contact the agency:
Ministry of Labor and Employment
Worker Assistance Fund Advisory Council
At: Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, Brasília, 70059-900
Tel: 0800 610 101 (South, Midwest and states of Acre, Rondônia and Tocantins)
Tel: 0800 285 0101 (South, Northeast and North, except for Acre, Rondônia and Tocantins)

How to Claim Unemployment Benefits

Benefits are paid by Caixa, the government-owned financial institution.

Unemployment benefit is calculated based on a percentage of the average earnings of the applicant over the last three months of employment. If the employee was not employed with the same employer for the last three months, then the calculation will be adjusted based on earnings accrued in the last position. The number of unemployment payments are calculated based on the number of months the applicant worked in the 36 month period preceding unemployment.

Required Documents

The unemployed individual should receive a Requerimento do Seguro-Desemprego form from their employer which will need to be submitted with a Passport or identity card, Individual Taxpayer's Card (Cadastro de Pessoa Física - CPF), and Work contract.


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