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What are the European E-forms for family benefits?

E Forms are standardised forms used throughout the European Union, European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland to speed up the process of claiming social security benefits when you go abroad. They do not apply to other European countries. You obtain the forms from the social security institution of the country where you are insured before you travel abroad. If you are an employee, some E Forms must be applied for by your employer.

E-FORM Description
E401 Certificate concerning composition of a family for the purpose of the granting of family benefits
E402 Certificate of continuation of studies for the purpose of the granting of family benefits
E402 annex To be completed by school .... if ... submitted to a Belgian institution
E403 Certificate of apprenticeship and/or vocational training for the purpose of the granting of family benefits
E403 annex To be completed if ... submitted to a French institution and if it concerns ... vocational training
E404 Medical certificate for the purpose of the granting of family benefits
E405 Certificate concerning the aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or self-employment or concerning successive employment in several Member States, between the dates on which payment is due ...
E406F Certificate of post-natal medical examinations
E407 Medical certificate for the grant of a special family allowance or of increased family allowances for handicapped children
E407F Medical certificate for the grant of a special family allowance or of increased family allowances for handicapped children
E408 Certificate of payment of family allowances in accordance with former articles 73(2) and 74(2) - F
E408F Certificate of payment of family allowances in accordance with former articles 73(2) and 74(2) - F
E409 Certificate of payment or non-payment of benefits to self-employed persons
E409F Verification of the declaration of lack of entitlement to family allowances by virtue of an occupation pursued in the country of residence of the family
E410F Notification of cancellation of entitlement to family allowances
E411 Request for information on entitlement to family benefits in the Member States of residence of the members of the family
E412F Certificate of payment of family allowances under the former article 73(2) of regulation 1408/71 for the month of November 1988 (to be filled in by the competent French institution responsible for granting family benefits)
E413F Certificate of payment or cessation of payment of family allowances guaranteed under article 94(9) of regulation 1408/71 (to be filled in by the competent French institution which has paid family benefits)

Other European E-forms?

E-FORM Description
E001 Request for information, communication of information, request for forms, reminder on an employed person, self-employed person, a frontier worker, a pensioner , an unemployed person, a dependant.
E101 Certificate concerning the legislation applicable. This form is required for people posted to another country but who continue to receive their salary from their normal country of residence and pay their social insurance contributions there.
E101a Certificate concerning the legislation applicable to unemployed persons engaged in part-time work in a MS other than the State of residence
E102 Extension of term of posting or of activity as a self-employed person
E601 Request for information concerning the amount of income received in a Member State other than the competent Member State
E601B E601 Annex Belgique
E601E, L, UK E601 Annex Spain, Luxembourg, United Kingdom
E601F E601 Annex France
E602 Concerning the aggregation of periods of employment, of self-employment or of residence

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