Assistant stores-administrator

Administration, Sachbearbeitung, Verwaltung in Malta

Assistant stores-administrator

Wir suchen einen Assistant Stores Administrator für unser Team in Malta. Als Assistant Stores Administrator sind Sie verantwortlich für die Verwaltung des Wareneingangs und -ausgangs, die Aktualisierung ...

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Assistant Stores Administrator

We are looking for an Assistant Stores Administrator to join our team in Malta. As an Assistant Stores Administrator, you will be responsible for managing the incoming and outgoing goods, updating computer systems, confirming and accounting for issued products, and maintaining a well-organized and efficient stores system.


Manage the incoming and outgoing goods while ensuring proper documentation and verification of quantities and quality.

Update computer systems with goods received and issued.

Confirm and account for issued products to ensure proper inventory management.

Organize the stores system in an efficient and effective manner to ensure easy access to goods.

Ensure proper storage and handling of products to prevent damage or loss.

Assist in conducting stock-taking exercises to ensure accurate inventory management.


Previous experience in an administrative position, preferably in a stores or inventory management role.

Standard level of education, with a good understanding of basic accounting principles.

Excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written.

Proficient in MS Office, with advanced skills in Excel.

If you are a highly organized and detail-oriented individual with a passion for stores and inventory management, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.

Firma: Spoton Connections

Ort: in Malta

Job Typ: Permanent

Gesendet von:
Jeremy Chabot


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