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 Culture shocks in Japan
Japan can seem like an interesting destination to choose to move to, the language is difficult and isn’t a typical tourist destination to visit. That being said Japan has many wonderful features that make it a perfect location to migrate to for many. This blog will talk ab
3 February 2017 | 9:42 am

 Real Estate in France, what you need to know before you buy
Before you invest in real estate in France, it is important to know the market and beware of its mechanisms. In this article, the international Real Estate portal Meretdemeures explains the essential knowledge needed to buy a house in France. Many are those who dream of buying a
26 January 2017 | 10:51 am

 10 funny portuguese expressions or sayings
It is always interesting when you move to a new country. The new language and culture can be a stumbling block should you make no effort to familiarize yourself with them. You will most likely feel the need to learn the language in order to properly integrate into your new
24 January 2017 | 8:58 am

 3 common Street foods in France
When thinking about French food, most people immediately think about exquisite high class cuisine and gourmet and for good reasons. France is known for its world class scrumptious course meals and fine dining. It is for this same reason that the street food revolution in France
17 January 2017 | 10:07 am

 4 Weird things about Canada you didn’t know
Canada is an amazing country. However, there are a some things about Canada that may just seem a bit weird to visitors or foreigners. Let’s get to the mind boggling facts about Canada with 4 things you didn’t know about Canada. Extraterrestrials are welcome We start
5 January 2017 | 8:54 am

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