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BREAKING NEWS: Our new expat book

We are proud to publish for the first time in paperbook a selection of those expat stories that you can read every week on BlogExpat.com.

My Life Abroad - A selection of expat stories. Book edited by DOTEXPAT LTDSelecting and compiling those interviews has been a long task but also a lot of fun with the variety of anecdotes and experiences that so many expats have shared with us.

This book contains 55 stories, cover all continents, and each section and story is illustrated.

We hope that you will enjoy the book and share with all the past, current and future expats that you may know!

*** Preview of the Press Release:

So, when I had an opportunity to relocate, I didn’t hesitate for one second… and here I am.” So begins the story of many expats as they are told in the following pages.

With the Internet’s increased accessibility, many blogs have been created and expats have embraced this new medium of communication in order to share their experience. Since 2011, BlogExpat.com has been a public voice for many expat bloggers through regular interviews published on the website. This book offers a small number of them that we have selected for you.

These interviews are snapshots; they express opinions delivered at one time and they may have evolved later. Comments reflect the thoughts of their author at that moment, with their share of subjectivity.

You must read this book as a photo album, allowing you to discover a world view, at a given angle.

>>> To know more on the book > click HERE


MY LIFE ABROAD - Compiled and edited by Florence Gindre & Cyril Richert

The main authors are expatriates who took part in interviews published on BlogExpat.com’s platform over the last few years. Their responses were selected and compiled by Florence Gindre and Cyril Richert.

  • Florence Gindre has been an expatriate over three different periods. She has been a writer since 2012 and has published several books on expatriation.
  • Cyril Richert has lived abroad for more than 16 years. He has been setting up and managing online services and expanded features for expatriate websites since 2000.

My Life Abroad - A selection of expat storiesBook edited by DOTEXPAT LTDMy life abroad – A selection of expat stories

252 pages – 60 illustrations
Paperback : USD22 - GBP18 - EUR19.50
Language: English
ISBN-13: 979-1093013060

Point of sale:

Amazon [US] [UK] [FR] [IT] [ES] (click on links to select best location)

You can also buy the Book directly HERE.


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