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 Moving in

Landline phone

The area codes in Miami is 305 and the primary telephone supplier is Bell South, recently bought by AT&T. Verizon, Comcast and a host of other companies make up the list of independent operators.

Bundle Services, regrouping phone service with local & long distance and DSL on the same package for a more interesting rates, are quite popular but BE CAREFULL: those attractive rates usally disapear after few months and your monthly payments can raise considerably without notification. Always check your invoices to avoid nasty surprises. Some operators have an "Early Termination Fee" that may run up to $200 if you change companies before the end of your minimum contract. Ask questions and read the fine print before your signing a contract.

Always choose the rate with unlimited service as additional charges may be incurred that run up to $0.45/mn. Vonage offers an interesting package of $24.95 for local and long distance unlimited service, plus free communications to selected countries in Europe such as France, England, Spain, Ireland and Italy, and other international destinations starting at 1cts/Mn. DSL or cable connection is required to take advantage of their system.
Check more at www.vonage.com


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