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 Moving in

Landline phone

46 is the International Country Code to call Sweden, 8 is the code for Stockholm.

To get a land line installed you will need a subscription, or abonnemang, which costs about SEK 1,000.

Popular telephone companies are

Note that if you do not have a personal identity number (personnummer) you will have to give a of deposit SEK 3,000 to subscribe.

International pre-paid phone cards allow you to call cheaply from any land line by entering a pin code and can be purchased at tobacconists or online. Rates for internatioal calls can vary dramatically depending on the country that you want to call, so make sure you get a phone card that’s suited to your needs (some are intended for calls within Europe for example).

Consider signing up for a Skype account on your PC. The software is free to download and calls to other people that are connected to Skype via their computers cost nothing (you'll need a microphone, headset or USB phone). You can also buy credit to make calls to regular phones from your computer at very reasonable rates:

See also our section on Mobile Phones


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