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International Schools

There are a number of international schools in Lisbon. These schools are generally frequented by expatriate children.

Below are the names and details of some of the more recognised ones.





Prime School International in Sintra
Prime School, a Tri-lingual Educational Project carried out in collaboration with Cambridge under the tutelage of the Portuguese Ministry of Education is the only school in greater Lisboa certified by the University of Cambridge for teaching AS (Advanced AS level) and A (Advanced) Level courses leading to the AICE Diploma award. In addition, we are a center for the Cambridge exams

At Prime School we offer our learners a stimulating curriculum taught in a multicultural environment. Orientated towards Portuguese nationals as well as foreign students, we strongly support a vision to challenge the curiosity, intelligence and creativity of all our students.



Emigreren naar Portugal met kinderen?
Graag wil ik wat vertellen over de eerste volledige Nederlandse dagschool van Portugal. De O4M - Peuteronderwijs, Basisschool, Voortgezet Onderwijs en Nederlandse Taal- en Cultuurlessen. Alles onder een dak! Voor kinderen van 2 tot 19 jaar. Uniek onderwijsaanbod.
Wie naar de Algarve wil emigreren met kinderen, zit bij ons goed.
Voor informatie: eMail ons oranje-viermaster@sapo.pt of kijk op onze site www.siteright.com/nederlandseschoolalgarve

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