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Social Security

Perú has a decentralized health care system administered by different entities:

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) provides the SIS (Seguro Integral de Salud) insurance. It helps people without health insurance and citizens living in high levels of poverty in rural and urban regions. Obtaining SIS insurance is dependent on an individual's or family's economic level. General budget resources primarily finance SIS and only 6% is funded by contributions, donations, individuals and aid agencies.

EsSalud, which entitles 30% of the population and provides health insurance to the employed population and their families.

The Armed Forces (FFAA) & National Police (PNP) own service,

Private insurance

The resulting system contains multiple providers of services and insurance, often performing functions with a high degree of overlap and little coordination. Health workers often work several jobs in multiple subsectors.


The Social Insurance Fund, EsSalud, is made up of an investment account managed by the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Ministry for Finance. The current EsSalud is funded with employer contributions that equals 9% of active employees' salaries. This money is then used to fund social insurance payments.

Most employers and employees (over 15 years of age and under 65 – legal working years) pay social insurance (SIS) contributions into the national Social Insurance Fund. The payment of social insurance is compulsory.

The National Insurance Number/Social Security Numberis automatically created after you sign up on EsSalud when you start a work.

Social Insurance Classes

Social insurance contributions are divided into different categories, known as classes or rates of contribution. The class and rate of contribution you pay is determined by the nature of your work.

Find out more about the different social insurance classes and how much social insurance you will pay.

Where to apply

Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción de Empleo
Address: Av. Arenales, 1402 Jesús María, Lima 11 Perú
Tel: (511) 265-6000 and (511) 265-7000
Homepage: Essalud.gob.pe

Social Insurance Payments and Benefits

Social insurance payments are given to people who satisfy specific social insurance contribution conditions, in addition to the necessary circumstantial conditions. These conditions vary, depending on the payment you apply for.

Payments based on your social insurance contributions include, among others:

Maternity Leave and Maternity Pay

Regarding the Law No. 26644 established in October 2015, women workers are entitled to a maximum of 98 days of paid maternity leave; 49 days of prenatal rest and 49 days of postnatal rest. In the event you give birth at a later date than expected, the additional days are considered as sick leave due to temporary illness.

You will be able to decide to take all the maternity leave in the post-partum stage or agree on the days that suit you and your employer. Similarly, in the case of multiple births or babies with disabilities, postnatal rest is extended for an additional period of 30 calendar days.

In case of adoption, a thirty-calendar day leave is provided to the employee if the child is less than 12 years of age. If the couple (workers) who are applying for the adoption of a child are married, the woman has the right to exercise her right to maternity leave.

Maternity Pay

Maternity leave is paid in full to the insured worker with at least three consecutive months or four non-consecutive months of contribution of the six months before giving birth. Nevertheless, Social Security is responsible for paying the benefit of maternity leave to the worker during the term of the maternity leave.

In addition, according to the law, pregnant woman and the newborn baby are entitled to full medical care during the prenatal period, delivery and post-partum period.


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