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Tax system

According to the Greek Tax System, if you stay and work in the country you have to pay taxes. However, you may be eligible for certain tax allowances, depending on your family situation etc. Tax is directly deducted by your employer from your wages. The amount is recorded on your total annual tax bill for the year, which is calculated on the basis of your yearly income tax return. Your yearly income tax return should be sent to the Public Financial Offices (DOY) by 1st March of the tax year in question. You will be informed between May and June of the amount of tax that you have been assessed to pay; in case of overpayment you will receive a rebate. Married couples must file a joint tax return in which the tax, charges and contributions are calculated separately for each spouse. Husbands are obliged to submit a tax return for their wives. Fiscal conventions are in place between Greece and the rest of the EU, with the exception of Ireland, to ensure that double taxation doesn’t occur.

Net profits of businesses are taxed at a rate of 35%, after deduction of profits which are not subject to tax (or which are taxed separately). General and limited partnerships, associations of civil law engaged in business or exercising a profession, civil associations of a profit-making or non-profit making nature, participating companies and joint ventures are also liable to pay tax.

Employees have their taxes deducted at the source by their employer, who then transfers the tax to the Income Tax Office on the 15th of the month for the preceding period. Employers who have a large number of employees report to the Tax Authorities once a month, while employers with a lesser number of employees submit their returns once every two months. As a self-employed worker you pay in advance to the Income Tax Office on the 15th of the month; the amount of tax payable is determined by the Tax Authorities according to your previous year’s income.

For further information about the Greek tax system consult the following sites:

  • http://www.mnec.gr/en/
  • http://europa.eu.int/youreurope/nav/en/citizens/factsheets/gr/

  • 31/12/2008

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