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Courses for Adults and Evening Class

Taking classes is an excellent way to widen your social circle and pick up a new skill. There are several institutions in Zagreb offering courses for adults. 

Pucko otvoreno uciliste (Public Open University) is the largest adult education institution in Croatia. In addition to foreign language, computer software, and professional courses, PUO offers a number of cultural classes, including dance, fine arts, and photography. Contact to inquire about courses in English and other foreign languages.


Centar za likovni odgoj, located at the memorial center of Croatian painter Jozo Kljakovic, offers courses in drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramics.

Centar Staze offers unique creative therapy workshops that combine dance, fine arts, and meditation.  


Plavi lonac is a cooking school that focuses on international cuisine.


Zagrebacki plesni centar offers several dance classes and workshops, from kinetic dance to classical ballet.


Foto Klub Zagreb organizes courses in photography.

Also see our article on Language Courses


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