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International healthcare, medical insurance

In addition to the mandatory health protection (Social Security - contributions are taken directly from the salary by the employer for the employee) it is often advised to subscribe to a private insurance or mutual fund. This on will be in charge of refunding (part or full payment according to the benefits) the cost of the medical care and the purchase of some medecine. The choice of the insurance is free: In Belgium there are five unions or alliances:

In addition you will find the Caisse Auxiliaire, the Caisse Soins de Santé de la SNCB and the CAMI - Caisse Auxiliaire d'Assurance Maladie Invalidité (public organisation the gives benefits in case of disability without offering additional mutual insurance coverage). Some insurance companies have equally a department named "mutual".

You will find more information on the website of the Institut National d'Assurance Maladie – Invalidité (INAMI): http://www.inami.fgov.be

Mutual benefit society pay also part of the price of some medecines when they are bought with a prescription with the sticker "mutual" (mutuelle).

There are also additional healthcare insurances, non mandatory, that can refund the amount not already paid back by the mutual benefit societies.


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