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Buenos Aires

 At Work

Pension plans

There are two retirement programs in Argentina: Régimen Previsional Público ( RPP or Sistema de Reparto) and the Régimen de Capitalización ( Sistema Mixto or RCI). The RPP or Reparto is the retirement program managed by the State. The Sistema Mixto or RCI is run by private retirement funds and supervised by the State. New workers have 90 days to decide between the two systems. If no decision is made within 90 days, the worker will be assigned to the RCI program by default, with no option to switch to the Reparto program.

The Reparto program has five elements:

The RCI System includes the following elements::

Common Retirement (Jubilación Ordinaria)

Men must be 65, women 60 in order to qualify for standard retirement This type of retirement benefit can be received in three different ways:

The Renta Vitalica Previsional is a retirement annuity purchased through an insurance company. This company will pay the individual (and/or entitled dependents) a monthly amount until death.

Retiro Programado is a fixed monthly withdrawal based on the the total deposit generated over the years. This program is comparable to a savings program managed by the State Office for Retirement and Pensions ( Administradora de Fondos de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, AFJP).

Retiro Fraccionado is a supplemental benefit for those receiving less than 50% of the maximum state run Prestación Básica Úniversal (PBU). The beneficiary is entitled to the equivalent of 50% of PBU until his/her deposit is used up. The individual must be registered with the AFJP.


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