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Buenos Aires


Medicines, Hospitals

Inoculations are not necessary for most travellers coming into Argentina. However, AIDS-related diseases are, as in the rest of the world, growing, and cholera has reappeared in some regions. In an emergency, use the general emergency number 107 to call an ambulance.


In Buenos Aires the Hospital Británico (private hospital) and the Hospital de Niños Dr Ricardo Gutiérrez (public hospital) are the places most likely to have English speaking staff.

The main hospitals in Buenos Aires are the German Hospital, Fernandez Hospital, Clinica Suizo Argentina, Clinica Bazterrica, Rivadavia Hospital, French Hospital, Clinica de la Trinidad, and Italian Hospital. For emergencies use Asistencia Medica SAME (dial 107 toll free).

Useful Addresses:


In Buenos Aires, a pharmacy (farmacia) is very easy to find, and there always at least one open 24 hours.

The Farmacity chain is open 24 hours, with locations at Lavalle 919 (tel. 11/4821-3000) and Av. Santa Fe 2830 (tel. 11/4821-0235). Farmacity will also deliver your medications.

Most pharmaceutical drugs can be purchased over the counter without a prescription. The pharmacist can also recommend remedies for common ailments, flu, stomach disorders, headache, etc. 


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