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Hong Kong


Preparing for your move

Do check that you have valid travel documents, and have your passport and visa ready before you leave your home country. Especially, like for most destinations, your passport must be valid 6 months after your return ticket. Get the address of your home consulate in Hong Kong before you leave, just in case you might need them at the customs.

If you are an expatriate, your employer (or the agency hired by them) should take care of most of the leaving preparations.

Your landlord, bank, utility provider(s) and whatever other services you have subscribed to will need to be informed Ensure that all standing orders are cancelled after a certain date, and all outstanding debts paid off. Contact your consulate to find out if there is any paperwork you need to fill out before re-entering your home country, and ensure all belongings are carefully listed on the inventory from the removal company. Family pets will have to have all their inoculations up to date, and safe passage and entry arranged. For this, contact your consulate who will be able to give you all the information you will need.

Also, ensure that adequate preparations have been made for a smooth return home (you don't want to get back only to realise that you haven't had the water/gas/electricity in your house turned on, or that your child doesn't have a school to go to!).

No matter when you booked your flight, you must check before you leave home that your flight is leaving on time and that you are on it. Make sure also that you have adequate local currency with you, in this case the Hong Kong dollar.

Also double-check your accommodation. Ensure you have somewhere to stay, whether it is at a youth hostel, a high-end hotel, or a house or apartment. You can also refer to our relevant articles for accommodation, customs etc...


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